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Coffee Smoked Chicken Breast |
This is a short cut method. Instead of smoking the chicken until it is
cooked, I smoked for a short while and baked in the oven. Not only did this
save time (and avoided smoking the whole house) but the smoke flavor was subtle.
Chicken is a delicate meat so I think a subtle flavor works best, unlike other
meats such as duck.
The smoking process was quite easy, and uses utensils readily available in
most kitchen. If you don’t have a wok, you can use a pan that has a lid. You will
need to make a rack in this case.
I stuffed the chicken breast with sun dried tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and garlic. It wasn't good. Sun dried tomatoes was overpowering, I used too much. I have not mentioned the stuffing in the recipe below. Its probably best to eat the chicken breast on its own, to fully appreciate the gentle smokiness.
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Coffee Smoked Chicken Breast |
5 chicken breasts, about 1 kg
1 tablespoon soy sauce
½ cup coffee beans, coarsely ground
1 tablespoon juniper berries, coarsely ground
3 star anise, coarsely ground
2 tablespoons packed dark brown sugar
Line the bottom of a wok with aluminum foil.
Spread coffee, spices and sugar on the aluminum foil. Place a rack in the
wok. It should be 1½ to 2 inches from the bottom of the wok.
Brush the breasts with soy sauce. Place chicken breast, skin down, onto the
Heat wok, uncovered, over high heat, until you see smoke, about 3 to 5
minutes. Reduce heat to medium and cover the wok.
Smoke chicken breast for 5 -8 minutes. The time depends on how strong you
want the smoky flavor to be.
6. Remove breast from the wok. Place skin side down
on a lined baking tray and baked at 400°F/205°C for 10 minutes. Flip the breast
and bake for further 5-8 minutes, until done. Internal temperate should be 165°F/75°C.
Rest for 5 minutes before serving.
ReplyDeleteI have tried your recipe yesterday and it was Amazing thank you. I will try your other recipes as well and see how it goes.
I like coup recipes and grilled foods as well.
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I am seriously impressed! Home-smoked meat! You say it's easy? Are you sure??? I am tempted to try it now...
ReplyDeleteYes I am sure. Its really easy. And if it does not smoke well, no loss, you will have a regular piece of meat (and maybe burnt pot if things go a bit wrong!)
DeleteVery cool smoking technique and love it with coffee. Ha ha and you got it from Ricardo who is in my city! Love it!
ReplyDeleteawesome recipe and well explained. will definitely try
ReplyDeleteان الخزانات من اكثر الاشياء التي يجب الاهتمام بها ومتابعتها والحرص علي نظافتها ,لذلك فان عزل الخزانات يساعد بشكل كبير في التخلص من مسببات تلف الخزانات وعدم تأثر المياه بدرجة الحرارة واشعة الشمس. حيث تحافظ علي صحة وسلامة السكان من التلوث الذي يحدث نتيجة الصدأ او البكتيريا المتكونة بسبب عدم غسل الخزانات بإستمرار , لذلك يجب عليك عزل الخزانات حفاظا علي صحتك وصحة افراد عائلتك , وشركتنا تتخصص في عزل الخزانات بأفضل واحدث الطرق والتي نضمن من خلالها امان تام للمياه ,وحيث نستخدم مواد آمنة جدا بحيث لا تتأثر بوجود المياه حولها.
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ReplyDeleteThe smoking process was quite easy, and uses utensils readily available in most kitchen. Thanks for this kind information. Now it's time to avail Baby Liquid Soap for more information.